Tarot Card - WorldWhat can you ask the tarot cards?

You can consult the cards about any important themes in your life that you’re looking for an answer for.

Questions about trends, current conditions, or paths will be answered via the tarot cards. They provide the subconscious with words to express itself. The cards are less suitable for yes/no/if questions.

You don’t need to be clairvoyant to lay tarot cards, but the metaphorical language of the cards must be understood, translated and interpreted. Because of this, the answers often turn out to be visual and descriptive as well.

How often can you consult the tarot?

You should not ask the cards a specific question multiple consecutive times, but rather wait a few weeks to months before asking the question again.

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Martin Jay - 2021-05-22 10:10:38
i must be process with more Luck
madforcows - 2022-02-22 01:21:52
Really need some luck, as nothing seems to be going right for me lately
Could you please tell me what Pisces lucky numbers may be for winning some money from Tattslotto?
Really need help please :)

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