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Tarot -The Fool Samiramay Tarot
Tarot -The Fool Rider-Waite Tarot

Tarot Card 0 - The Fool

Tarot Card - The FoolMain meaning:
Try new things. Acting with ease, alive and unprecedented. To be light-hearted. Beginning of something. Fool.

Lightness, instability, innocence, enthusiasm, betrayal, extravagance, intoxication, delirium, frenzy and ecstasy

Negligence, absence, apathy, nullity and vanity

Carelessness, spontaneity and happiness.

Picture: A cheerful, colorful figure floats in the air. He seems to jump from one rock to another. He is wearing red boots with bells. His pants are red and green, as is his vest. Underneath, he wears a purple shirt with patched sleeves. This happy, smiling fool throws his arms skyward, away from his body. In his right hand he holds a stick with bells. On the rocks behind him sits a cat in front of a blossoming tree. On the rock he seems to have already thrown his sack. The sky is full of fluffy clouds, in which the Hebrew character Sin can be seen.

More symbols: Cat, rabbit, Clouds, dunce cap, Tree, Sin, grass

Planet or sign: Earth

Card value: 0

Tarot Card 1 - The Magician

Tarot Card - The MagicianMain meaning:
Having interesting ideas. Clear and balanced forces. Wizard, juggler, charlatan.

Creativity, activity, dexterity, diplomacy, subtlety, self-confidence, illusion, revelation, craftsmanship and suggestion

Mental illness, anxiety and loss

Will, strength and self-awareness.

Picture: A mysterious-looking figure with a purple cape holds a golden wand over his head with both hands. The figure has no facial features. The face is black, only yellow eyes glow from the dark. In front of him is a table with a cup decorated with a red star, a sword and a coin. The sword has a purple handle. Under his right arm is the symbol of the zodiac sign Gemini. Above his head the symbol of infinity. Behind the mysterious figure is a kind of disk, which is lit in green and yellow. The outer ring of the disc has yellow teeth.

More symbols: Sword, Coin, staff, goblet, Lemniscate, Gemini, Aleph

Planet or sign: Aries

Card value: 1

Tarot Card 2 - The High Priestess

Tarot Card - The High PriestessMain meaning:
Clarity. Finding the right time. Understanding and inner peace. Walking spiritual paths. The spiritual female leader. The future is not yet visible. This card is the holiest of the Major Arcana.

Silence, obstinacy, wisdom, science, secrets, enigma, understanding and enlightenment

Passion, conceit and superficial knowledge

Self-awareness, receptiveness, trust and intuition.

Picture: A female figure sits on a crescent moon. Her body is veiled by a book in her lap. Her breasts are covered by a purple cloth that falls from her head and also covers her face. She has purple horns on her head. Behind her is a shell, in which she is seated. In her left hand she holds an open parchment scroll with various symbols on it. From her right thumb hangs a golden key. Beneath her left arm is the symbol of Mercury, beneath her right is a wonderful blue-violet lily.

More symbols: Lily, Key, Berkana-Rune, Tora, Mercury, Beth, Crescent

Planet or sign: Taurus

Card value: 2

Tarot Card 3 - The Empress

Tarot Card - The EmpressMain meaning:
You will find strength. Things are moving forward. Cycle of birth and growth. Finding inner wealth.

Action and initiative, the unknown, doubt, ignorance, abundance, achievements, fulfillment and deed

Light, truth and unraveling of affairs

Responsibility, fertility and nature.

Picture: A graceful and powerful figure looks up to the sky. She is dressed in a red skirt, which is fastened by a golden belt. Her upper part is also red, her upper and lower arms are decorated with fine gold chains and ribbons. From her left shoulder hangs a purple ribbon with mysterious symbols on it. Her head is adorned with a pink and purple headdress, which looks like two horns. Above her third eye is a star that radiates into the sky. In her right hand she holds an ornamented rod with a red ball on the tip, which also shines brightly. In her left hand she holds a yellow crescent moon, over which the symbol of Venus floats. Beside their hips there are more symbols.

More symbols: Venus, Crescent, Scepter, Crown, Hexagram, gimel

Planet or sign: Gemini

Card value: 3

Tarot Card 4 - The Emperor

Tarot Card - The EmperorMain meaning:
Things becoming stable. You gain control. You can get through. A great person.

Implementation, will, stability, reason, achievement, help, authority and protection

Benevolence, compassion, confusion, enemies, disability and immaturity

Strength, power and realization.

Picture: A man sits on an elevated throne. He is dressed in red and is wearing a red head covering, which has two horns. The gold of the horns illuminates the mighty figure. In the background, a fire radiates in red and purple. The man is resting his arms. The throne stands on four platforms. Each platform looks different: the lower one is decorated with a purple demon, with large, wide wings. The second and third platforms are decorated with different symbols. On the third platform are the symbols of Venus and Jupiter. On the fourth are shining yellow skulls. Beside the man´s right arm is a staff with a crescent moon. Next to the left arm is a sword with a golden handle and black thorns.

More symbols: Demon, Sword, trident, Skull, Papal cross, Venus, Jupiter, Daleth

Planet or sign: Cancer

Card value: 4

Tarot Card 5 - The Hierophant

Tarot Card - The HierophantMain meaning:
To recognize a moral. Assisted by higher powers. Finding a good teacher. Spiritual maturity. Be compassionate and merciful.

Fidelity, mission, marriage, alliance and mercy

Incomprehension, weakness, captivity and bondage

Revelators of holy secrets, faith in God and goodness.

Picture: A nearly naked man squats on a huge stone. His loins are wrapped by an emerald-green cloth. Two neat glittering chains decorate his neck. A blue eye floats over his third eye. A green antler sits over his head. In his left hand he holds a staff with a papal cross and a red ball on top and bottom. He is making the peace symbol with his right hand. To the left and right of the stone are two men, their hands pleading upward toward him. Above the left, female figure hangs a blue ball with a yellow crescent moon.

More symbols: Papal cross, Third eye, antlers, Crescent

Planet or sign: Leo

Card value: 5

Tarot Card 6 - The Lovers

Tarot Card - The LoversMain meaning:
Decide freely, with a full heart and with a clear "yes". To love and be loved. To overcome differences. A fulfilled life. To endure difficulties.

Marriage, beauty, fulfillment of desires, trust, temptation, examination, perfection and connection

Frustration, adversities of all kinds and failure

Love, passion and heart.

Picture: In a red heart, a man and woman embrace each other with their bare upper bodies. Their lower bodies resemble those of mermaids and are intertwined with each other. It looks as if they have emerged from the water. Beside them, water lilies float in the water. Both bear red symbols on their upper arms. In the background of the lovers, two large pillars rise out of the water. The sky above them is bright blue and full of red symbols floating on a banner in the sky.

More symbols: Hexagram, Clouds, Aries, Water, Water lily, Taurus, Vav

Planet or sign: Virgo

Card value: 6

Tarot Card 7 - The Chariot

Tarot Card - The ChariotMain meaning:
Find the right path. Feel like doing something. Go forward. Oncoming storm.

Help, movement, renewal, providence, destiny, misery, toil, action, difficulties, war and triumph

Revenge, anger, insurrection, strife and defeat

Success, departure and courage.

Picture: A man with a red cape stands on an antique chariot. He wears a helmet of Celtic origin and spreads his hands. In his belt is a sword. Powerfully, he looks forward. He wears a shining chain with the number 7, which is also found above and beside him in various designs. Above his left arm is the symbol of the planet Neptune. Under his right hand the symbol of the zodiac sign Gemini, above it the sign of Sagittarius. His chariot is decorated with a lion´s head. Swords protrude from the sides of the wheels. Next to the lion head is a bird. To the right of the car, the symbol of the zodiac sign Leo appears under the crescent moon for the planet Moon.

More symbols: Lion, Crescent, Gemini, Daleth, Sagittarius, Leo

Planet or sign: Libra

Card value: 7

Tarot Card 8 - Strength

Tarot Card - StrengthMain meaning:
Lust for life. No more fear. Success and recognition. Moral strength.

Electricity, energy, action, courage, passion, vitality, magnanimity, decency, justice, satisfaction, atonement, reward and righteousness

Despotism, misuse of power, weakness, disunity, shame and prejudice

Strength, courage and bravery.

Picture: A beautiful young girl with long, blond hair is faithfully nestling against a smiling lion. Her hands touch him. She is wearing a light blue dress. Her head is decorated with a flower crown. Above her floats the symbol of infinity. The lion and the graceful woman are surrounded by a wonderful, colorful flower bow.

More symbols: Lion, Lemniscate, Flowers, Leo

Planet or sign: Scorpio

Card value: 8

Tarot Card 9 - The Hermit

Tarot Card - The HermitMain meaning:
Search for truth and justice. Be faithful to yourself and be in harmony with yourself. See life from a distance. Reaching maturity in solitude. Reassurance of the right way.

Intercession, prudence, concern, consolation and counsel

Concealment, politics, fear, unconscious caution, corruption, betrayal, adjustment, bribery, misdirection and tactics

Life, wisdom and maturity.

Picture: A wise, old man sitting in lotus position on a carpet. His eyes are closed. On his legs are the symbols of the zodiac signs Leo and Scorpio. His hands touch his torso. While his left palm is open, his right hand is closed, thumb pointing to the sky. He has long gray hair and a beard. His upper body is bare, only his loins are wrapped in an emerald green cloth. In the background, mountains and clouds glow in purple. The peaks are white. To the right is a wooden trunk. On this the various symbols of the zodiac and planets can be seen. A green star hangs over his head.

More symbols: Full Moon, Star, Clouds, Totem, Wound, Leo, Scorpio, Taurus, Virgo, Mountain

Planet or sign: Sagittarius

Card value: 9

Tarot Card 10 - The Wheel of Fortune

Tarot Card - The Wheel of FortuneMain meaning:
The card stands for the incessant movement of the universe and the flow of human life. You will devote yourself to a new task. You can now tackle tasks that have not yet been solved.

Happiness, success, abundance, evolution, change, skill, reward and blessing

Atonement and nullity

Fate, life’s mission, dissolution and new beginning.

Picture: Two open hands touch each other to a cross. While one hand points up, the fingers of the other hand point to the left. The thumb of this hand nestles against the other. On this hand a purple wheel is visible. Both hands are surrounded by a golden circle and flowers. Inside the circle rain falls from blue clouds. Fire blazes at the bottom of the circle.

More symbols: Hand, Water, Fire, Virgo, Taurus, Capricorn

Planet or sign: Capricorn

Card value: 10

Tarot Card 11 - Justice

Tarot Card - JusticeMain meaning:
To be neutral, to act objectively and fairly, to settle disputes.

Correctness, integrity, conscience, confidence, determination, energy, immovability, strength, moral principles, order, balance, law, justice and courage

Legal complications, bigotry, bias, excessive severity, prejudice, misuse of power and despotism

Healthy judgment, weighing on all sides and acting justly.

Picture: An angel-like figure with red hair and blue wings bends her upper body forward to her knee. She stands amidst red and yellow glowing flames. Her hair covers her face and upper body. She wears a long green skirt, from which her long, graceful legs protrude. In her right hand she holds a sword, in her left a scale. Above her left wing is the symbol of the zodiac sign Libra, above the right is Cancer.

More symbols: Sword, Fire, Wings, Scales, Cancer, Libra

Planet or sign: Aquarius

Card value: 11

Tarot Card 12 - The Hanged Man

Tarot Card - The Hanged ManMain meaning:
Feeling helpless. Sacrifice and rethinking things. Bringing light into the darkness. Things are upside down.

Awakening, wisdom, reorientation, prudence, examinations, inspiration, prophecy, insight and intuition

Stagnation, dissatisfaction, postponement, transition, renunciation, abandonment, sacrifice, self-respect and obscurity

Peace, reflection and repentance.

Picture: A large tree extends its branches to the sky. Its trunk is strong and stable. The symbols of the zodiac surround its roots. The tree appears to be in the sea. Waves crash around it to the left and right. A bat-like, purple-clad person hangs upside-down on a branch. They are wearing boots and one foot is tied with a rope to the tree. They have their arms crossed in front of their upper body and their left leg bent over the right. In addition, stars and a small snake can be seen.

More symbols: Tree, Waves, Snake, Star, Bat, Libra

Planet or sign: Pisces

Card value: 12

Tarot Card 13 - Death

Tarot Card - DeathMain meaning:
A confrontation with saying farewell. Something is coming to an end. A new beginning is possible. Destroyed hopes. Beginning and end.

Transformation, rebirth, change, end, change, mortality, destruction, loss, opposites, spiritualization and progress

Laziness, sleep, lethargy, petrification and sleepwalking

Detachment, farewell, the end of a phase.

Picture: A skeleton sits on the floor with his arms crossed. The eyes are deep black and wide open. In front of him are two lit candles to the left and right. Behind him is a green circle and a blue circle within that. To the right of his head is an hourglass. A part of the sand in the upper portion has already sifted downwards.

More symbols: Hourglass, Skeleton, Candle, Hexagram, Scorpio, Saturn

Planet or sign: Saturn

Card value: 13

Tarot Card 14 - Temperance

Tarot Card - TemperanceMain meaning:
Weighing priorities. Healthy and harmonious life. Find the middle way. Opposing interests.

Organization, accommodation, domination, adjustment, balance, compromise, interaction and conflict of interests

Church, religion, sect, priesthood and disunity

Health, exact measurement, everyday life and rest.

Picture: A youthful, slender figure with a bare upper body and short blond hair stands on a kind of chandelier similar to the symbol of the planet Neptune. The figure carries in each hand a pitcher spilling water. This water seems to be gathering in and spilling over the symbol of the planet Neptune. The slender figure, clothed only with a loincloth, stands in front of a blue-yellow circle. Beneath his left arm is the symbol of the zodiac sign Aquarius, under the right that of Scorpio.

More symbols: Water, Well, Pitcher, Aquarius, Scorpio, Neptune

Planet or sign: Mercury

Card value: 14

Tarot Card 15 - The Devil

Tarot Card - The DevilMain meaning:
Feeling trapped, dependence on instincts

Violence, vehemence, audit, submission, magic, great effort, fate and force

Fatality, weakness, pettiness and blindness

Fear, temptation, suspicion and jealousy.

Picture: A frightening, demonic head with red horns and red snakes that seem to come out of his throat looks with evil, piercing yellow eyes at the viewer. The devil´s mouth is wide open and his tongue is outstretched. In the background is seen a five-pointed yellow and black star. There is also a star on the devil’s forehead and he is surrounded by various symbols of the planets. Above his head, the number 15 is enclosed by bat wings and in the background a blazing fire rages.

More symbols: Bat, Fire, Mercury, Pentagram

Planet or sign: Mars

Card value: 15

Tarot Card 16 - The Tower

Tarot Card - The TowerMain meaning:
Old structures are breaking down. Liberation and new challenges. House of Life when evil prevails therein. The tower is particularly relevant to unforeseen events.

Materialization of spiritual restlessness, grief, misery, poverty, disgrace, deception, collapse, unexpected danger, doom, destruction, disappointment and ruin

Same as above, but to a lesser extent

Break, stormy changes and confrontation.

Picture: A medieval tower is surrounded by four or five smaller towers in the lower part. On top of the tower are rocks. Two yellow flashes of lightning seem to have destroyed parts of the tower. About the tower is a floating eye. Figures with red capes jump down from the spire. Some spread out their arms, while others farther down in their flight have their arms down. Around the tower, the signs of Aries and Capricorn are seen.

More symbols: Third eye, Fire, Capricorn, Lightning, Capricorn

Planet or sign: Uranus

Card value: 16

Tarot Card 17 - The Star

Tarot Card - The StarMain meaning:
Youth and beauty. Trust in the future. You have new visions. You are ready to perform.

Carelessness, revelation, creation, opportunities, spiritual gifts, hope and optimism

Arrogance, vanity, loss, theft, loneliness and impotence

Everything is under a lucky star. Openness and harmony.

Picture: A young, graceful beauty with long, dark, wavy hair is standing in water and raising her arms towards the sky. She has her eyes closed and seems to hold a star above her head with her hands. The sky is dotted with constellations. She is framed by garlands of green leaves to the left and right. In the water floats a water lily. Over the water float various symbols, including Venus and several Hebrew characters.

More symbols: Water lily, Venus, Star, Branch, Water

Planet or sign: Venus

Card value: 17

Tarot Card 18 - The Moon

Tarot Card - The MoonMain meaning:
Being afraid, aimless and confused. Feeling something, but being unsure about it. Continuing on the current path.

Occult forces, instinct, hypocrisy, unknown, mistrust, deception, misstep, scandal, instability, silence, error, darkness, impermanence and slander

The same as above, to a lesser extent

Anger, agitation and delusion.

Picture: A large sailing ship is on the sea. On either side in the foreground are two wolves that howl at the moon. The water and the horizon are bathed in the yellow light of the moon. The ship seems to slide towards the horizon, through a kind of gate, which is flanked by two towers, one on either side. These two towers are connected by a rope. On the rope is poised a figure. They are wearing a pointed hat and holding a staff in their hand to keep their balance. Over the horizon the symbols of the zodiac signs Aquarius and Pisces can be seen. The horizon all around is surrounded by the blue water. The moon hovering in the sky above bathes the horizon in a brilliant yellow.

More symbols: Ship, Water, Wolf, Aquarius, Tower, Tightrope Walker, Pisces

Planet or sign: Moon

Card value: 18

Tarot Card 19 - The Sun

Tarot Card - The SunMain meaning:
State of perfect harmony. You feel comfortable and are in a good mood. A new beginning is in sight. You can love yourself more. Problems are eliminated. Wisdom found within simplicity and innocence.

Rebirth, joy, success, material happiness, good marriage, satisfaction, fulfillment, reward

This also means luck, but to a lesser extent

Self-affirmation, new beginnings and vitality.

Picture: A shining, golden-yellow sun with faces in profile on the left and right is framed by luminous flames. Below the faces are two small suns connect to the larger. Inside is another small sun, to which a kind of sundial is attached. At the end of arrows in this sundial are symbols: circles, triangles, crosses and snakes, 24 in total, each representing an hour of the day. Circles on a blue ribbon are displayed above the sun, some with a dot in the middle, some with a cross. Another circle includes a wheel pattern. To the left of the large sun can be seen a red hourglass.

More symbols: Hourglass, Letter, Pisces, Gemini, Ajin

Planet or sign: Sun

Card value: 19

Tarot Card 20 - The Last Judgment

Tarot Card - The Last JudgmentMain meaning:
Make a decision. Change of position. Find solutions. Recovery is in sight. Something forgotten starts again. Looking inward.

Judgment, courage, rejuvenation, rebirth, rise, change, earnings, simplicity and determination

Weakness, cowardice and simplification

Liberation, salvation and renewal.

Picture: A graveyard with different-sized gravestones can be seen in the foreground. On some stones, the symbol of the planet Mercury can be seen. A small bird is sitting in front of the gravestones on the right side. A bright red rose vine entwines around a gravestone. In the background, a golden gate can be seen. It is closed. There are leafless trees on either side of the gate. Above the golden gate float small ghostly figures. To the left and right, golden trumpets send sounds through the abandoned cemetery.

More symbols: Cross, Trumpet, Raven, Rose, Phantom

Planet or sign: Jupiter

Card value: 20

Tarot Card 21 - The World

Tarot Card - The WorldMain meaning:
Oneness. Approving of one’s own actions. To reach unity and maturity. Develop and find fulfillment. See the reality.

Assured success, wages, emigration, relocation, progress, solution, victory, perfection, travel and resistance

Inertia. Immutability. Stagnation. Durability and escape

Perfection, maturity and self-knowledge.

Picture: A large hand holds a globe in its palm. Green vines frame the base of this hand on either side. At its fingertips are various symbols: on the little finger an hourglass, on the ring finger a crown, on the middle finger the number 21, on the index finger the symbol of death and on the thumb a sun with the symbol of the moon in the middle of it.

More symbols: Hand, Skull, Hourglass, Sun, Moon, Crown, Branch, Saturn, Scorpio, Heh

Planet or sign: Neptune

Card value: 21

The Wands

Wands symbolize desire and intuition. In money matters they represent paper money, stocks and bonds. For questions about time, they indicate that something is happening in the real world, or at this very moment. Wands are often unclear for questions needing answers like "might", "doubtful," or "sometimes". Their element is fire.

Tarot Card - Ace of Wands

Tarot Card - Ace of WandsMain meaning:
Take initiative. Gain momentum in one thing enthusiastically. Taking risks and completing a project.

Creation, invention, enterprise, source, birth, family, origin, virility, starting point, account, money, wealth and inheritance

Fall, decadence, ruin, destruction, perishing and clouded joy

Possibilities and opportunities for heroism, vitality and initiative.

Picture: In the center is a golden rod with a blue flame at the top, decorated with emerald stones and red details. In the background is a small orange sun. A purple ribbon is wrapped behind the wand. Right next to it is a floating green salamander. To the left of the bar hovers the symbol of the zodiac sign Leo, surrounded by other symbols.

More symbols: Salamander, Leo, Capricorn, Snake, Sun, Sulfur, Sagittarius, Resh

Planet or sign: Aries

Card value: 1

Tarot Card - 2 of Wands

Tarot Card - 2 of WandsMain meaning:
Consider something from a distance. Walking up to the edge. Longing for emotions. Conflicting directions.

Wealth, happiness, beauty, disease, anger, sadness and hurt

Surprise, wonder, enchantment, emotion, anger, fear

Neutrality, feeling of emptiness.

Picture: In the upper right is a purple wand with a golden crown. The handles of the wand are curved upward. Under the bar is a green salamander with orange feet and eyes. A large, shiny green number 2 can be seen. On the left, different symbols are stacked in a beautiful bright blue. There is also the symbol of the zodiac sign Leo.

More symbols: Leo, Capricorn, Salamander, Sulfur, Sagittarius, Resh

Planet or sign: Taurus

Card value: 2

Tarot Card - 3 of Wands

Tarot Card - 3 of WandsMain meaning:
Good prospects. Recognize where you stand and what you can still achieve. Standing on a strong foundation. Adopting long-term plans. Good cooperation.

Strength, effort and discovery

End of problems, setting of adversity, hardship and disappointment. Positive prospects

Very good prospects, long-term success and good trade.

Picture: In the upper right is a purple wand with a golden crown. The handles of the wand are curved upward. Under the bar is a green salamander with orange feet and eyes. A large, shiny pink number 3 can be seen. On the left, different symbols are stacked in a beautiful bright blue. There is also the symbol of the zodiac sign Leo.

More symbols: Leo, Capricorn, Salamander, Sulfur, Sagittarius, Resh

Planet or sign: Gemini

Card value: 3

Tarot Card - 4 of Wands

Tarot Card - 4 of WandsMain meaning:
Making new contacts. Reaching out to others. Celebrations and light-heartedness.

Country life, refuge, concord, harmony, prosperity and peace

The meaning remains the same: prosperity, happiness and beauty

Stability, welcoming and recreation.

Picture: In the upper right is a purple wand with a golden crown. The handles of the wand are curved upward. Under the bar is a green salamander with orange feet and eyes. A large, shiny green number 4 can be seen. On the left, different symbols are stacked in a beautiful bright blue. There is also the symbol of the zodiac sign Leo.

More symbols: Leo, Capricorn, Salamander, Sulfur, Sagittarius, Resh

Planet or sign: Cancer

Card value: 4

Tarot Card - 5 of Wands

Tarot Card - 5 of WandsMain meaning:
Confrontation; a showdown. Asserting yourself. A good solution for all. Emblematic of the battle of life.

Strenuous competition and struggle. Searching for wealth and fortune. Success, opulence

Litigation, disputes, fraud, opposition

Fruitful discussion, open debate, competition.

Picture: In the upper right is a purple wand with a golden crown. The handles of the wand are curved upward. Under the bar is a green salamander with orange feet and eyes. A large, shiny red number 5 can be seen. On the left, different symbols are stacked in a beautiful bright blue. There is also the symbol of the zodiac sign Leo.

More symbols: Leo, Capricorn, Salamander, Sulfur, Sagittarius, Resh

Planet or sign: Leo

Card value: 5

Tarot Card - 6 of Wands

Tarot Card - 6 of WandsMain meaning:
Good news arrives. Getting praise and recognition. Pleasure.

Good news, Courier

Understanding who is the enemy in front of the door, fear, betrayal, infidelity. Goals that are revealed to the enemy. Indefinite delay

Good news, victory and success.

Picture: In the upper right is a purple wand with a golden crown. The handles of the wand are curved upward. Under the bar is a green salamander with orange feet and eyes. A large, shiny blue number 6 can be seen. On the left, different symbols are stacked in a beautiful bright blue. There is also the symbol of the zodiac sign Leo.

More symbols: Leo, Capricorn, Salamander, Sulfur, Sagittarius, Resh

Planet or sign: Virgo

Card value: 6

Tarot Card - 7 of Wands

Tarot Card - 7 of WandsMain meaning:
Fighting for a better position. One’s own position prevails. Confronting a conflict. Card of bravery and success.

Discussion, wordy dispute, negotiation, war, trade, barter, competition

Helplessness, embarrassment, fear. Warning, indecisiveness

Defense, enforcement and determination.

Picture: In the upper right is a purple wand with a golden crown. The handles of the wand are curved upward. Under the bar is a green salamander with orange feet and eyes. A large, shiny yellow number 7 can be seen. On the left, different symbols are stacked in a beautiful bright blue. There is also the symbol of the zodiac sign Leo.

More symbols: Leo, Capricorn, Salamander, Sulfur, Sagittarius, Resh

Planet or sign: Libra

Card value: 7

Tarot Card - 8 of Wands

Tarot Card - 8 of WandsMain meaning:
Positive output. Something is in the air. Something glows. Movement comes into play.

Messenger, great haste, great hope, speed and new love

Jealousy, domestic dispute, remorse, marital dispute

Good news, activity and speed.

Picture: In the upper right is a purple wand with a golden crown. The handles of the wand are curved upward. Under the bar is a green salamander with orange feet and eyes. A large, shiny purple number 8 can be seen. On the left, different symbols are stacked in a beautiful bright blue. There is also the symbol of the zodiac sign Leo.

More symbols: Leo, Capricorn, Salamander, Sulfur, Sagittarius, Resh

Planet or sign: Scorpio

Card value: 8

Tarot Card - 9 of Wands

Tarot Card - 9 of WandsMain meaning:
Keep yourself covered. You feel threatened. Set limits. The card is your strength, if you are attacked.

Courage, delay, postponement

Obstacles and misfortune

Mindfulness, vigilance and mistrust.

Picture: In the upper right is a purple wand with a golden crown. The handles of the wand are curved upward. Under the bar is a green salamander with orange feet and eyes. A large, shiny dark purple number 9 can be seen. On the left, different symbols are stacked in a beautiful bright blue. There is also the symbol of the zodiac sign Leo.

More symbols: Leo, Capricorn, Salamander, Sulfur, Sagittarius, Resh

Planet or sign: Sagittarius

Card value: 9

Tarot Card - 10 of Wands

Tarot Card - 10 of WandsMain meaning:
To be pushed to one’s limits. Feeling overwhelmed or expecting too much. Card of conflict.

Suppression, assets, earnings, any kind of success, disguise, perfidy, loss

Contradictions, difficulties, intrigues and analogies

Burden, unwilling works and hardships.

Picture: In the upper right is a purple wand with a golden crown. The handles of the wand are curved upward. Under the bar is a green salamander with orange feet and eyes. A large, shiny golden number 10 can be seen. On the left, different symbols are stacked in a beautiful bright blue. There is also the symbol of the zodiac sign Leo.

More symbols: Leo, Capricorn, Salamander, Sulfur, Sagittarius, Resh

Planet or sign: Capricorn

Card value: 10

Tarot Card - Prince of Wands

Tarot Card - Prince of WandsMain meaning:
You meet a proud, vibrant and active man with dynamism and vision. Married man. Message about an unexpected inheritance. The card always indicates honesty.

Dark, fiery, supple, agile, passionate, noble, kind and conscientious

Good, but strict. Strict tolerance

Active and dynamic man, honesty.

Picture: A figure decorated with lots of jewels figure raises his right arm upward to his crown, while the other palm is held in front of his torso. His eyes are closed. The crown is imposing and colored in a beautiful red. In the center of the crown, a point can be seen. The Prince wears a large, golden necklace and a large emerald pendant. His upper arms have orange and green bracelets. On his wrists he is wearing gold bangles. He is dressed in a red top and a pink loincloth. On the top right, next to him is a purple wand.

More symbols: Crown, Dance, Jewelry

Planet or sign: Aries

Card value: 0

Tarot Card - Princess of Wands

Tarot Card - Princess of WandsMain meaning:
Good, inclined, friendly woman. Love of money. Love of art. Flattery. Desire for luxury.

Sensuality, real virtue and selfishness

Boredom, feigned joy, dishonesty and fraud

A talented, artistic and passionate woman.

Picture: A dainty dancing figure bends her left leg and stands on her right. She is wearing a turquoise garment. Her black hair is tied up and decorated with pink flowers in the back. Her hair is bound by a pink cloth. Her arms and legs are adorned with gold chains and emerald bangles. Around her neck she wears a gold chain. Her right arm is stretched gracefully upwards, fingers elegantly together. The other hand is open and pointing toward the angled foot. On the top right above her is a purple wand.

More symbols: Dance, Jewelry

Planet or sign: Taurus

Card value: 0

Tarot Card - Page of Wands

Tarot Card - Page of WandsMain meaning:
Take an exciting opportunity. Invitation to make something. Cheap testimony. A dangerous rival.

Dark, young man, loyal, a lover, a messenger, a messenger

Announcements, bad news, indecision, instability

Curiosity, proposition.

Picture: A muscular figure clenches his right hand into a fist stretched upwards. The man is wearing a green pants, red shoes and a red vest and also around the hips a golden belt. Under the red vest the figure is strong and flexible. On his right arm he is wearing an emerald green ribbon. On the top right above him is a purple wand.

More symbols: Fist

Planet or sign: Gemini

Card value: 0

Tarot Card - Knight of Wands

Tarot Card - Knight of WandsMain meaning:
Impatient and inconsiderate action. Conquer someone or something. Instigator, easily provoked. Easy to annoy. Enjoys struggle and confrontation. Tendency toward dogmatism and paranoia. Tendency toward overkill.

Departure, absence, flight, emigration, ambition, drive and recklessness

Abort, interrupt, discord

Adventure, experience, hunger and challenges.

Picture: The Knight is wearing a tight-fitting blue garment and his body is almost completely concealed. A pink cloth is attached to his waist. It blows in the wind. He also wears pink boots. His eyes flash from beneath his mask. He holds the sword forcefully with both hands and extends it forward. The hilt glints in a rosy hue. To his left is a purple wand.

More symbols: Sword

Planet or sign: Cancer

Card value: 0

The Pentacles

Pentacles symbolize thinking and intellect. In money matters they represent gold. For questions about time, they point to years, the time of day or summer. Pentacles are often for answers such as "good" and "yes". Their element is earth.

Tarot Card - Ace of Pentacles

Tarot Card - Ace of PentaclesMain meaning:
Chance of tangible achievements. Business acumen, creativity and good ideas. Longer-term issues can be addressed.

Satisfaction, happiness, ecstasy, intelligence, wealth, unbending will, unalterable laws

The bad side of wealth. intelligence which could do damage. Unexpected change in the situation. In any case, the card indicates prosperity and comfortable material conditions

Possibilities and opportunities for health, material and resistance.

Picture: A large, old, brown chest is open and brimming with gold coins. It is wrapped in a blue ribbon. Some coins are stacked in front of the box and others are individually distributed around it. About the crate is a crescent moon framed by small clouds. To the left of the chest is a floating green snake.

More symbols: Snake, Virgo, Capricorn, Moon, Taurus, Heh

Planet or sign: Leo

Card value: 1

Tarot Card - 2 of Pentacles

Tarot Card - 2 of PentaclesMain meaning:
You can be loose and carefree. Flexible and playful actions. Cool to life. Disputes - more imaginary than real. Comfortable in matters of pleasure and economy.

Mirth, obstacles, agitation, anger, tangle, infatuation, riches and honor, ignorance, injustice

Enforced jollity, feigned pleasure or passion, bad omen

Adaptability, ease and indecision.

Picture: A large, shiny green 2 can be seen. In the upper right corner of the card is an old, brown chest filled with coins. Various icons float to the left of the number. The symbols are embossed on gold coins, which are arranged one above the other. The coins are enclosed by emerald green circles. A green snake is hovering right next to the large number.

More symbols: Snake, Virgo, Capricorn, Heh

Planet or sign: Virgo

Card value: 2

Tarot Card - 3 of Pentacles

Tarot Card - 3 of PentaclesMain meaning:
You are tested through an important process. Inauguration. End of a transaction.

Trade, handicrafts, aristocracy, unexpected progress, celebrity

Mediocrity, childish pettiness, weakness, consolation, healing

Improvement, difficult task and glory.

Picture: A large, shiny pink 3 can be seen. In the upper right corner of the card is an old, brown chest filled with coins. Various icons float to the left of the number. The symbols are embossed on gold coins, which are arranged one above the other. The coins are enclosed by emerald green circles. A green snake is hovering right next to the large number.

More symbols: Snake, Virgo, Capricorn, Heh

Planet or sign: Libra

Card value: 3

Tarot Card - 4 of Pentacles

Tarot Card - 4 of PentaclesMain meaning:
Staying still and being stuck. Suspicion. Being rigid and retracted. Pleasant news from a woman.

Physical security, gift and contradictions

Tension, delay, opposition, premonitions, observation and obstacles

Stability, rigidity and heritage.

Picture: A large, shiny green 4 can be seen. In the upper right corner of the card is an old, brown chest filled with coins. Various icons float to the left of the number. The symbols are embossed on gold coins, which are arranged one above the other. The coins are enclosed by emerald green circles. A green snake is hovering right next to the large number.

More symbols: Snake, Virgo, Capricorn, Heh

Planet or sign: Scorpio

Card value: 4

Tarot Card - 5 of Pentacles

Tarot Card - 5 of PentaclesMain meaning:
Stuck in a crisis. Fear of losses. Feeling ostracized. Happy marriage, success in business.

Love, lover, wife, husband, friend, inheritance, request, gift

Chaos, ruin, discord. Return of long-lost relatives

Deprivation, poverty and loneliness.

Picture: A large, shiny red 5 can be seen. In the upper right corner of the card is an old, brown chest filled with coins. Various icons float to the left of the number. The symbols are embossed on gold coins, which are arranged one above the other. The coins are enclosed by emerald green circles. A green snake is hovering right next to the large number.

More symbols: Snake, Virgo, Capricorn, Heh

Planet or sign: Sagittarius

Card value: 5

Tarot Card - 6 of Pentacles

Tarot Card - 6 of PentaclesMain meaning:
Balance between give and take. Find support. Generosity. Now comes a pleasant time

Gifts, joy, attention, alertness, prosperity and pleasant memories

Desire, greed, envy, jealousy, print and illusion

Help, give and take.

Picture: A large, shiny blue 6 can be seen. In the upper right corner of the card is an old, brown chest filled with coins. Various icons float to the left of the number. The symbols are embossed on gold coins, which are arranged one above the other. The coins are enclosed by emerald green circles. A green snake is hovering right next to the large number.

More symbols: Snake, Virgo, Capricorn, Heh

Planet or sign: Capricorn

Card value: 6

Tarot Card - 7 of Pentacles

Tarot Card - 7 of PentaclesMain meaning:
Slow progress. Give someone a little time. Your attention is watching someone or something.

Money, business, exchange, dispute, innocence, ingenuity, cleaning, ideas, determination and movement

Anxiety regarding the physical. Impatience, fear and mistrust

Patience, attention and introspection.

Picture: A large, shiny orange 7 can be seen. In the upper right corner of the card is an old, brown chest filled with coins. Various icons float to the left of the number. The symbols are embossed on gold coins, which are arranged one above the other. The coins are enclosed by emerald green circles. A green snake is hovering right next to the large number.

More symbols: Snake, Virgo, Capricorn, Heh

Planet or sign: Aquarius

Card value: 7

Tarot Card - 8 of Pentacles

Tarot Card - 8 of PentaclesMain meaning:
Take things a little slowly. Good prospects come progressively closer. Marriage to a fair woman. A young man with relations to business. A dark girl

Labor, employment, start-up, craftsmanship, skill

Meaningless ambition, vanity, greed, usury. Can also indicate skills such as cunning and intrigue

Zeal, beginning and planning.

Picture: A large, shiny purple 8 can be seen. In the upper right corner of the card is an old, brown chest filled with coins. Various icons float to the left of the number. The symbols are embossed on gold coins, which are arranged one above the other. The coins are enclosed by emerald green circles. A green snake is hovering right next to the large number.

More symbols: Snake, Virgo, Capricorn, Heh

Planet or sign: Pisces

Card value: 8

Tarot Card - 9 of Pentacles

Tarot Card - 9 of PentaclesMain meaning:
Seize a favorable moment. Action at the right time. Luck and trust. Good omen.

Security, intelligence, realization. Good business and hopes. Immediate confirmation of what neighboring cards indicate

Trickery, deceit, unsuccessful project, malice, futility

Success, favorable moment and power.

Picture: A large, shiny dark purple 9 can be seen. In the upper right corner of the card is an old, brown chest filled with coins. Various icons float to the left of the number. The symbols are embossed on gold coins, which are arranged one above the other. The coins are enclosed by emerald green circles. A green snake is hovering right next to the large number.

More symbols: Snake, Virgo, Capricorn, Heh

Planet or sign: Aries

Card value: 9

Tarot Card - 10 of Pentacles

Tarot Card - 10 of PentaclesMain meaning:
Security and prosperity. Recognize the abundance that surrounds you. Find hidden treasures. For a male questioner, a good marriage. Happy occasion. Sometimes gift or dowry. Pension.

Family affairs, success beyond all expectations

Chance, fate, loss, robbery, game and danger. Grief. Serious argument

Success, wealth and stability.

Picture: A large, shiny golden yellow 10 can be seen. In the upper right corner of the card is an old, brown chest filled with coins. Various icons float to the left of the number. The symbols are embossed on gold coins, which are arranged one above the other. The coins are enclosed by emerald green circles. A green snake is hovering right next to the large number.

More symbols: Snake, Virgo, Capricorn, Heh

Planet or sign: Taurus

Card value: 10

Tarot Card - Prince of Pentacles

Tarot Card - Prince of PentaclesMain meaning:
The King of Pentacles reflects the safety and practicality. Such a person will be important for the questioner. Beware of the evil will of a man pages. Dark man.

Intelligence, transactions, predictable success, businessman, master or Professor

Vice, weakness, perversity, danger, loss, age and malicious man, hypocrites

Rooted, quiet and natural man.

Picture: A nobly-dressed prince stands before a golden cauldron and holds in each hand a coin. His arms hang loosely in front of his midsection. The cauldron in front of him is brimming with coins whose luster shines over the edge. He wears a crown, a purple robe and an ermine cloak. His neck is adorned with a chain, with a large red pendant. In the top left is a brown, old chest, which is filled to the brim with coins. Some coins are distributed next to it.

More symbols: Crown, Cauldron, Ermine

Planet or sign: Leo

Card value: 0

Tarot Card - Princess of Pentacles

Tarot Card - Princess of PentaclesMain meaning:
Be a good host. Bring wellbeing into the house. Your presence bodes well.

Intelligence, helpfulness, patronage, generosity

Calculation, avarice, envy, reticence, duplicity

Openness, cheerfulness and enjoyment.

Picture: A young blond woman reaches to the sky. Her hands are holding a sphere on which a star is displayed. Her slim body is clad in a narrow pink dress and knee-high boots. Her long hair is adorned with a crown. In the top left is a brown, old chest, which is filled to the brim with coins. Some coins are distributed next to it.

More symbols: Pentagram

Planet or sign: Virgo

Card value: 0

Tarot Card - Page of Pentacles

Tarot Card - Page of PentaclesMain meaning:
Getting a good listing or practical assistance. Use a worthwhile opportunity. A young man in unfortunate love affairs. A dark youth. Good omen.

Application, program, scholarship, reflection and good news

Generosity, luxury, unfavorable news. Obstacles of all kinds. Losses

Suggestions, ideas and opportunities.

Picture: An athletic, blond male figure wearing a blue loincloth stretches both arms back and away from his body. He holds a large, blue ball, which is decorated with a golden star. His face is covered by his blond hair. On his upper arms and ankles he wears simple jewelry. His neck is decorated with a chain with a red pendant. In the top right is a brown, old chest, which is filled to the brim with coins. Some coins are distributed next to it.

More symbols: Pentagram

Planet or sign: Libra

Card value: 0

Tarot Card - Knight of Pentacles

Tarot Card - Knight of PentaclesMain meaning:
Perseverance. Bustling atmosphere. A useful man. Useful discoveries. Visit from a friend, unexpected money for the questioner.

Responsibility and righteousness

Inertia, laziness, stagnation, discouragement, carelessness and brave man

Durability, advantage and profit.

Picture: A youthful figure with short brown hair, wearing blue velvet pants and a red vest, is jumping into the air and throwing both arms into the sky. In his brown hair a single blue streak shines forth. His bare torso is adorned with a chain, in the middle of which a red star is displayed. At his waist he wears a golden, wide ribbon. In the bottom right is a brown, old chest, which is filled to the brim with coins. Some coins are distributed next to it.

More symbols: Pentagram

Planet or sign: Scorpio

Card value: 0

The Swords

Swords symbolize matter and the practical. In money matters they often represent prices, losses or liabilities. For questions about time they point to days. Swords are often for answers such as "bad" or "no." Their element is air.

Tarot Card - Ace of Swords

Tarot Card - Ace of SwordsMain meaning:
Possibility of knowledge or clarification. An opportunity to gain clarity and to guide a decision is brought about. Triumph of violence. The Ace of Swords is a card of great power.

Triumph in love as in hate, conquest, great wealth or great misery

The same as above, but the results are catastrophic. Birth, propagation, diversity, marriage

Possibilities and opportunities for objectivity, fair approach and clear findings.

Picture: A large, golden sword with an emerald green hilt is entwined by red thorns on its blade. It seems to be hanging on a shield, on which a coat of arms is displayed. In the background a red velvet cloth is hanging. To the right of the blade is a shamrock with trailing roots. To the left of the sword are the symbols of the zodiac signs Gemini, Aquarius and Libra. On the top right, next to the hilt, hovers the golden Hebrew character Tet. At the top of the sword sits a purple bird with wings spread wide.

More symbols: Four-Leaf Clover, Lily, Gemini, Libra, Aquarius, Eagle, Tet

Planet or sign: Aries

Card value: 1

Tarot Card - 2 of Swords

Tarot Card - 2 of SwordsMain meaning:
To be split. To question something. Weighing consequences. Gifts for a lady. Influential protection for a man. Search for help.

Weighing, compliance, balance, courage, friendship, congruence, tenderness, affection and intimacy

Imposture, lying, duplicity, treachery, bad company

Quality, doubt and searching for the right way.

Picture: The shiny green number 2 is shown here. To the left floats the zodiac signs Libra, Gemini and the Hebrew letter Tet in brilliant red. In the corner is a four leaf clover. in the top right is a golden yellow sword, the blade of which is surrounded by red rose thorns. It has an emerald green shield, decorated with a coat of arms. Below this hovers an ornate, beautiful, purple crown.

More symbols: Four-Leaf Clover, Lily, Gemini, Libra, Tet, Shield

Planet or sign: Taurus

Card value: 2

Tarot Card - 3 of Swords

Tarot Card - 3 of SwordsMain meaning:
A message causes heartbreak. An inner conflict. The mind triumphs over feeling.

Delay, breakdown, separation of a lover

Alienation, failure, loss, distraction, disorder, confusion. Meeting with someone who has threatened the questioner

Disillusionment, heartache and absence.

Picture: The shiny pink number 3 is shown here. To the left floats the zodiac signs Libra, Gemini and the Hebrew letter Tet in brilliant red. In the corner is a four leaf clover. in the top right is a golden yellow sword, the blade of which is surrounded by red rose thorns. It has an emerald green shield, decorated with a coat of arms. Below this hovers an ornate, beautiful, purple crown.

More symbols: Four-Leaf Clover, Lily, Gemini, Libra, Tet, Shield

Planet or sign: Gemini

Card value: 3

Tarot Card - 4 of Swords

Tarot Card - 4 of SwordsMain meaning:
Pause to rest. Withdraw. Economic action. Savings. Trooping. Buried ideas.

Vigilance, retreat, exile, impotence and disease

Wise order, testament, savings, avarice, care, prudence

Loneliness, meditation and relaxation.

Picture: The shiny emerald green number 4 is shown here. To the left floats the zodiac signs Libra, Gemini and the Hebrew letter Tet in brilliant red. In the corner is a four leaf clover. in the top right is a golden yellow sword, the blade of which is surrounded by red rose thorns. It has an emerald green shield, decorated with a coat of arms. Below this hovers an ornate, beautiful, purple crown.

More symbols: Four-Leaf Clover, Lily, Gemini, Libra, Tet, Shield

Planet or sign: Cancer

Card value: 4

Tarot Card - 5 of Swords

Tarot Card - 5 of SwordsMain meaning:
Behave consistently. Fight back. Billing. Reversal of fortune.

Degradation, destruction, revocation, infamy, dishonor and loss

Funeral and mourning, theft, corruption and seduction

Bitter experience, misfortune and revenge.

Picture: The shiny red number 5 is shown here. To the left floats the zodiac signs Libra, Gemini and the Hebrew letter Tet in brilliant red. In the corner is a four leaf clover. in the top right is a golden yellow sword, the blade of which is surrounded by red rose thorns. It has an emerald green shield, decorated with a coat of arms. Below this hovers an ornate, beautiful, purple crown.

More symbols: Four-Leaf Clover, Lily, Gemini, Libra, Tet, Shield

Planet or sign: Leo

Card value: 5

Tarot Card - 6 of Swords

Tarot Card - 6 of SwordsMain meaning:
To engage with something new and unknown. New frontier. Not knowing the way. A new path.

Travel across the water, emigration, message, enjoyable trip, acquaint yourself with death in a familiar and convenient way

Declaration, love confessions, prosecution, regulation, discovery, vision, revelation

Unsure departure, journey and experiment.

Picture: The shiny blue number 6 is shown here. To the left floats the zodiac signs Libra, Gemini and the Hebrew letter Tet in brilliant red. In the corner is a four leaf clover. in the top right is a golden yellow sword, the blade of which is surrounded by red rose thorns. It has an emerald green shield, decorated with a coat of arms. Below this hovers an ornate, beautiful, purple crown.

More symbols: Four-Leaf Clover, Lily, Gemini, Libra, Tet, Shield

Planet or sign: Virgo

Card value: 6

Tarot Card - 7 of Swords

Tarot Card - 7 of SwordsMain meaning:
Clever preparation. Shirk something underhanded. A plan that can fail.

Intrigue, trial, desire, hope, confidence, fights and trouble

Good advice, training, slander, babbling

Fraud, lies and dishonesty.

Picture: The shiny orange number 7 is shown here. To the left floats the zodiac signs Libra, Gemini and the Hebrew letter Tet in brilliant red. In the corner is a four leaf clover. in the top right is a golden yellow sword, the blade of which is surrounded by red rose thorns. It has an emerald green shield, decorated with a coat of arms. Below this hovers an ornate, beautiful, purple crown.

More symbols: Four-Leaf Clover, Lily, Gemini, Libra, Tet, Shield

Planet or sign: Libra

Card value: 7

Tarot Card - 8 of Swords

Tarot Card - 8 of SwordsMain meaning:
Prompting the questioner to change something. You feel cornered. Run a gauntlet to free yourself.

Bad news, violence, frustration, crisis, blame, narrowing, slander, treachery, disease, sexual problems and scandal

Adventure, undoing opposition. Unforeseen departure of a close relative

Obstacles, conflicts and risk.

Picture: The shiny purple number 8 is shown here. To the left floats the zodiac signs Libra, Gemini and the Hebrew letter Tet in brilliant red. In the corner is a four leaf clover. in the top right is a golden yellow sword, the blade of which is surrounded by red rose thorns. It has an emerald green shield, decorated with a coat of arms. Below this hovers an ornate, beautiful, purple crown.

More symbols: Four-Leaf Clover, Lily, Gemini, Libra, Tet, Shield

Planet or sign: Scorpio

Card value: 8

Tarot Card - 9 of Swords

Tarot Card - 9 of SwordsMain meaning:
Confronting one’s fears. No longer repressing. Sustaining oneself.

Devastation, delay, deception, disappointment and despair

Jail, suspected doubts, misplaced fear, anxiety and shame

Grief, sorrow and failure.

Picture: The shiny dark purple number 9 is shown here. To the left floats the zodiac signs Libra, Gemini and the Hebrew letter Tet in brilliant red. In the corner is a four leaf clover. in the top right is a golden yellow sword, the blade of which is surrounded by red rose thorns. It has an emerald green shield, decorated with a coat of arms. Below this hovers an ornate, beautiful, purple crown.

More symbols: Four-Leaf Clover, Lily, Gemini, Libra, Tet, Shield

Planet or sign: Sagittarius

Card value: 9

Tarot Card - 10 of Swords

Tarot Card - 10 of SwordsMain meaning:
Draw a final stroke. Change something fundamental. To lay on the floor.

Pain, suffering, tears, sadness and desolation

Advantage, profit, success - but not permanent. Power and authority. Victory at a high price

End, depression and demolition.

Picture: The shiny golden number 10 is shown here. To the left floats the zodiac signs Libra, Gemini and the Hebrew letter Tet in brilliant red. In the corner is a four leaf clover. in the top right is a golden yellow sword, the blade of which is surrounded by red rose thorns. It has an emerald green shield, decorated with a coat of arms. Below this hovers an ornate, beautiful, purple crown.

More symbols: Four-Leaf Clover, Lily, Gemini, Libra, Tet, Shield

Planet or sign: Capricornus

Card value: 10

Tarot Card - Prince of Swords

Tarot Card - Prince of SwordsMain meaning:
The King of Swords is a dominant person who acts according to the mind. This action can often be understood clearly. The Sword King is for the questioner. Have power over life and death.

Mediator, justice, command, militant intelligence, lawyer, senator or doctor

Cruelty, perversity, barbarity, perfidy, malice, evil man, warning

A clever, wise man, power and authority.

Picture: A man in knight’s armor rests both hands on his sword. The sword is golden and the sides are decorated with a red glow. Dangerously sharp edges light up on the tip of it. The hilt is also red and gold. The Prince wears a helmet, which almost covers his entire face. His eyes and brown beard, however, are visible. On his head is sitting a red crown. His calves are protected by golden leg armor. In the top left is a sword whose blade is surrounded by red rose thorns.

More symbols: Crown, Armor

Planet or sign: Aries

Card value: 0

Tarot Card - Princess of Swords

Tarot Card - Princess of SwordsMain meaning:
Overcoming material difficulties. Physical and sexual attractiveness.

Magnetic attraction. Desire for luxury and money

Cowardice. Chastity. Bad reputation. Expensive mistress. Fraud in love. Bad influence of a woman. Spinelessness

Strong character, daring and sincerity.

Picture: A slender beauty with long, flowing brown hair stands with two swords, one in each hand, defensively and aggressively. Only her breasts and thighs are covered with a red cloth. She wears tall blue boots. A blue cloth conceals her mouth. She wears a golden headdress and a golden belt around her waist. In the bottom right is a sword whose blade is surrounded by red rose thorns.

More symbols: Covered Face

Planet or sign: Taurus

Card value: 0

Tarot Card - Page of Swords

Tarot Card - Page of SwordsMain meaning:
Ask yourself something. Call to battle. Be aware of one’s vulnerability. A soft, active figure. Be diplomatic in difficult conditions.

Authorities, vigilance, spying, messenger and emissary

Something incidental, unprepared state, sudden illness and amazing news

Attack, battle and criticism.

Picture: A black-clad person holds a shining sword forward threateningly. The other hand displays its palm outwardly. The face is veiled except for the eyes. In the top left is a sword whose blade is surrounded by red rose thorns.

More symbols: Black Robe

Planet or sign: Gemini

Card value: 0

Tarot Card - Knight of Swords

Tarot Card - Knight of SwordsMain meaning:
Disputes and anger. Misplaced aggression. Hitting a sore spot. One’s pure heart. Man with weapons. Restless spirit.

Skill, defense, hostility, anger, war, destruction, contradictions and resistance

Audacity, extravagance

Cooling, confrontation and courage.

Picture: A knight in a golden, shining armor holds a big sword in his hand, the blade of which appears powerful and strong. His helmet is adorned with a red crest. He wears a red cloak. His chest is decorated with emerald ornaments. In the top right is a sword whose blade is surrounded by red rose thorns. On his shoulder is the Hebrew character Sin.

More symbols: Feather, Red Cloak, Sin

Planet or sign: Capricorn

Card value: 0

The Cups

Cups symbolize emotions and instincts. In money matters they often represent silver or money in general. For questions about time, they point to months, times at night or winter. Their element is water.

Tarot Card - Ace of Cups

Tarot Card - Ace of CupsMain meaning:
Chance of satisfaction and healing, wellbeing, healing and joy of life.

Fantasy, love, feelings, real warmth, joy, meaning, home, food, abundance and fertility

Unhappiness, false warmth, change, instability and revolution

Possibilities and opportunities for performance, grace and happiness.

Picture: At the top of the image is a red chalice, into which water drips from above. Golden ornaments decorate the cup. Above floats a fish and water seems to drop into the cup. Around the cup float the zodiac signs Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. The lower part of the cup is wrapped with a golden parchment paper, decorated with the symbols of Neptune and the Hebrew character Heh in different colors. Oak leaves float around the cup.

More symbols: Fish, Droplet, Leaf, Cancer, Water, Pisces, Scorpio, Neptune, Heh

Planet or sign: Sagittarius

Card value: 1

Tarot Card - 2 of Cups

Tarot Card - 2 of CupsMain meaning:
Avoid conflicts, make peace and end disputes. The interdependence of the sexes. A request, which is justified by nature. Union of two souls. Romantic relationship.

Love, passion, relationship, congruence and sympathy

Disappointment, greed, jealousy

Peace offering, friendship and relationship.

Picture: A small, red cup can be seen here in the upper part. Water drips into it from above. In the middle of the card, a large green number 2 can be seen. Right next to the number are three green leaves. To the left of the number, different symbols are arranged, one above the other, in bright blue and golden colors. These are the signs of Neptune, Pisces, Scorpio and Cancer.

More symbols: Pisces, Scorpio, Cancer, Leaf, Neptune

Planet or sign: Capricorn

Card value: 2

Tarot Card - 3 of Cups

Tarot Card - 3 of CupsMain meaning:
Cheerfulness and feeling connected. Happiness and luck. Material abundance. Comfort.

Perfection, joy, victory, fulfillment, comfort, healing and sensory pleasures

End, performance, task

Celebration, gratitude and happy ending.

Picture: A small, red cup can be seen here in the upper part. Water drips into it from above. In the middle of the card, a large red number 3 can be seen. Right next to the number are three green leaves. To the left of the number, different symbols are arranged, one above the other, in bright blue and golden colors. These are the signs of Neptune, Pisces, Scorpio and Cancer.

More symbols: Leaf, Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio, Neptune

Planet or sign: Aquarius

Card value: 3

Tarot Card - 4 of Cups

Tarot Card - 4 of CupsMain meaning:
Good opportunities are missed or overlooked. Stubborn insistence on something. Finding no consolation. Turning away defiantly.

Weariness, disgust, aversion and harassment

Defiance, unexpected happiness. Omens. New procedures and relationships

Wasted opportunity, frustration and dissatisfaction.

Picture: A small, red cup can be seen here in the upper part. Water drips into it from above. In the middle of the card, a large green number 4 can be seen. Right next to the number are three green leaves. To the left of the number, different symbols are arranged, one above the other, in bright blue and golden colors. These are the signs of Neptune, Pisces, Scorpio and Cancer.

More symbols: Leaf, Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio, Neptune

Planet or sign: Pisces

Card value: 4

Tarot Card - 5 of Cups

Tarot Card - 5 of CupsMain meaning:
Turning away and mourning. Allowing no consolation. Losing something or someone. Something stays behind. Something is bequeathed or left that does not meet expectations. Marriage or partnership with a bitter aftertaste.

Mourning, inheritance, inheritance, succession, gift, testament

News, return, material success and false projects

Worry, pain and loss.

Picture: A small, red cup can be seen here in the upper part. Water drips into it from above. In the middle of the card, a large red number 5 can be seen. Right next to the number are three green leaves. To the left of the number, different symbols are arranged, one above the other, in bright blue and golden colors. These are the signs of Neptune, Pisces, Scorpio and Cancer.

More symbols: Leaf, Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio, Neptune

Planet or sign: Aries

Card value: 5

Tarot Card - 6 of Cups

Tarot Card - 6 of CupsMain meaning:
Gladly share. Revive the past. Open encounters with old acquaintances. New relationships. New knowledge. New surroundings. Things that have disappeared.

Memories, childhood, happiness, enjoyment, innocence, enthusiasm

Future, renewal, fulfillment of deferred hopes

Sharing, openness and living in the past.

Picture: A small, red cup can be seen here in the upper part. Water drips into it from above. In the middle of the card, a large blue number 6 can be seen. Right next to the number are three green leaves. To the left of the number, different symbols are arranged, one above the other, in bright blue and golden colors. These are the signs of Neptune, Pisces, Scorpio and Cancer.

More symbols: Leaf, Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio, Neptune

Planet or sign: Taurus

Card value: 6

Tarot Card - 7 of Cups

Tarot Card - 7 of CupsMain meaning:
Dreams and ideas are aware and also indulgent. Pipe dreams, but also good imagination. Nothing is set in stone.

Reflection, mood, contemplation and visions

Desire, will and determination

Fantasies, illusions and dreams.

Picture: A small, red cup can be seen here in the upper part. Water drips into it from above. In the middle of the card, a large orange number 7 can be seen. Right next to the number are three green leaves. To the left of the number, different symbols are arranged, one above the other, in bright blue and golden colors. These are the signs of Neptune, Pisces, Scorpio and Cancer.

More symbols: Leaf, Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio, Neptune

Planet or sign: Gemini

Card value: 7

Tarot Card - 8 of Cups

Tarot Card - 8 of CupsMain meaning:
Fear of the future. Forget and leave something behind. Domestic disputes. Demise of something.

Mildness, timidity, honor, disappointment and modesty

Great joy, happiness and the full scoop

Wistful start, change direction and new way.

Picture: A small, red cup can be seen here in the upper part. Water drips into it from above. In the middle of the card, a large purple number 8 can be seen. Right next to the number are three green leaves. To the left of the number, different symbols are arranged, one above the other, in bright blue and golden colors. These are the signs of Neptune, Pisces, Scorpio and Cancer.

More symbols: Leaf, Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio, Neptune

Planet or sign: Cancer

Card value: 8

Tarot Card - 9 of Cups

Tarot Card - 9 of CupsMain meaning:
Material things have progressed favorably. You can feel safe.

Secure future, victory, success and advantage

Truth, loyalty and freedom

Satisfaction, safety and precaution.

Picture: A small, red cup can be seen here in the upper part. Water drips into it from above. In the middle of the card, a large dark purple number 9 can be seen. Right next to the number are three green leaves. To the left of the number, different symbols are arranged, one above the other, in bright blue and golden colors. These are the signs of Neptune, Pisces, Scorpio and Cancer.

More symbols: Leaf, Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio, Neptune

Planet or sign: Leo

Card value: 9

Tarot Card - 10 of Cups

Tarot Card - 10 of CupsMain meaning:
You reach your destination. It is becoming a hopeful future. Good exit. Human love and friendship. End of hard times.

Belonging, togetherness, satisfaction, peace of heart, harmony and good relations

False warmth, anger and violence

Friendship, family and happiness.

Picture: A small, red cup can be seen here in the upper part. Water drips into it from above. In the middle of the card, a large golden number 10 can be seen. Right next to the number are three green leaves. To the left of the number, different symbols are arranged, one above the other, in bright blue and golden colors. These are the signs of Neptune, Pisces, Scorpio and Cancer.

More symbols: Leaf, Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio, Neptune

Planet or sign: Virgo

Card value: 10

Tarot Card - Prince of Cups

Tarot Card - Prince of CupsMain meaning:
You are a human encounter with philosophical depth. He will believe in you and take a look with favor. It is an emotional person are important to you. But you can also enjoy this attitude. This depends on the laying position. Good marriage. Usually low.

Law, divinity, strength, passion, commitment, art and science, technology and creative intelligence

Dishonesty, swindling, injustice, vice, scandal, looting and significant loss

Honest, sensitive and responsible man.

Picture: A graceful figure with green hair and a gold crown surrounded by a purple fan stretches his palms forward. He is decorated with the finest jewels on both feet, arms and neck. Around his neck is wrapped a purple snake. At the waist, the figure wears a golden belt from which a pink, airy cloth covers the loins. In the top left is a red cup filled with water dripping down from the top.

More symbols: Snake, Dance, Belt, Jewelry, Crown

Planet or sign: Sagittarius

Card value: 0

Tarot Card - Princess of Cups

Tarot Card - Princess of CupsMain meaning:
Loving intelligence. Gift of vision. Realization of hopes and wishes. Care and diligence in action.

Natural growth. Power or authority who the questioner has to obey. Advertising and fame

Waste, corruption, scandal, wealthy marriage

Loyalty, honesty and usefulness.

Picture: A petite woman with a green fan framing her golden crown stretches out her left hand to the sky and angles the right downward. From her left hand, a green ribbon winds down. She wears gold bracelets. Her black hair is decorated with red flowers, her clothing is also red. At her hips, she wears a green skirt with a golden belt. In the top left is a red cup filled with water dripping down from the top.

More symbols: Dance, Jewelry, Crown

Planet or sign: Capricorn

Card value: 0

Tarot Card - Page of Cups

Tarot Card - Page of CupsMain meaning:
Easily capture a heart. A beautiful flirt. Often only superficial feelings.

Good news, reflection, openness, poetry, tenderness, idealism and meditation

Bad news, seduction, deception and artifice

Reconciliation, joy and kindness.

Picture: A figure dressed in yellow with brown hair has his knees bent together and stretches out his right arm toward the sky. His upper body is adorned only by a chain. On his head is a golden feather. His left hand forms a shape similar to the feather on his head. The man is dancing and in harmony with himself. He wears arm, neck and ear jewelry in gold and bronze. His loins are wrapped with an orange skirt on which a golden belt is fastened. In the top right is a red cup filled with water dripping down from the top.

More symbols: Dance, Feather, Jewelry

Planet or sign: Aquarius

Card value: 0

Tarot Card - Knight of Cups

Tarot Card - Knight of CupsMain meaning:
A protected and loving atmosphere. Someone cares about you, but does not expect recognition. Good mood.

Joy, dreams, idealism, progress and invitation

Alienation, frustration, tricks, artifice, deception, duplicity and incitement

Arrival, romance and jealousy.

Picture: A male figure with green hair, similar to small snakes, bears in both hands a dagger with an emerald hilt. His eyes are covered with an orange blindfold. He wears a blue vest over his otherwise bare torso and brown trousers with belt. He stands on one leg. The other is bent in an attack position. In the top left is a red cup filled with water dripping down from the top.

More symbols: Dance, Medusas Head, Covered Eyes

Planet or sign: Pisces

Card value: 0

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